Volume V
Philosophical Considerations
Volume five is focused on exploring the philosophical considerations of archimusic. Eleven readings from ancient to contemporary times are provided and discuss the topics of art, proportion, and technology from the minds of thinkers such as Plato, Heidegger, McCullhan and many others.
- 1. The Republic
- Plato
- 2. Architecture, Essay on Art
- Etienne-Louis Boullee – 1953 (1778-1788)
- 3. The Age of the World Picture
- Martin Heidegger – 1976
- 4. The Question Concerning Technology
- Martin Heidegger – 1977
- 5. The Origin of the Work of Art
- Martin Heidegger – 1977
- 6. The Actual and the Virtual
- Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet
- 7. Smooth and the Striated
- Gilles Deleuze – 1980
- 8. Simulacra and Simulation
- Jean Baudrillard – 1995
- 9. The Medium is the Message
- Marshal McCullhan – 1964
- 10. Form and Art in Architecture (Intro)
- Eliel Saarinen – 1948
- 11. The Changing Concept of Proportion
- Rudolf Wittkower – 1960